A Perfect Match for Development on the Kenai Peninsula

August 9, 2017

Kenai, Alaska – Peak Oilfield Service Company’s Kenai operations was recently awarded a highly competitive, three-year contract to provide operations and maintenance services at a refinery in Nikiski, Alaska. Peak was the previous, two-time incumbent for this scope of work.

The continuation of this contract signals more than just a general contractor/client relationship. Both companies share a common purpose to strengthen the local community through economic development, and for responsible resource development.

Peak’s operations on the peninsula began in 1991 as a small office offering construction and maintenance services to the local petrochemical industry. Since then, and in response to a growing demand, the company has expanded its footprint to include drilling support, trucking, facility operations and maintenance support, crane services, and project management. While things have changed dramatically for the company, one thing has remained the same – steady employment for a robust pool of highly-trained craftsmen who call the Kenai Peninsula home.

“Our past success in completing several large scale plant expansions with local labor demonstrates our ability to handle all of our client’s needs at the Kenai refinery, and helped tremendously when bidding for this contract,” said Tom Pellegrom, Peak’s Cook Inlet Area Manager. “By keeping the work with a local company, the client is providing 30 of our craftsmen with steady employment at a time when the industry is facing its most difficult challenges. Plus, our shared commitment to the environment and responsible development means the refinery’s impact on the community and the surrounding ecosystems are limited.”



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