Kakivik Safely Reaches Record 2.7 Million Man-Hours

October 26, 2017

Anchorage, Alaska – On October 13, Kakivik Asset Management set another new safety performance milestone by completing six years of work without an OSHA Recordable injury. This is the longest such streak in the company’s history, and with more than 200 employees, represents some 2.7 million man-hours of safe work.

Ben Schoffmann, president and CEO, stated, “With growing operations throughout Alaska and southeast Asia (Australia, Timor Sea, and Indonesia), the variety of safety challenges and client cultures our employees face can indeed be daunting. I am so proud of our team, from the newest trainee to our executive team and everyone in between for their passionate commitment to working safety above all else. This truly reflects that safety is far more than a priority – it is a core value.”

Chief Operating Officer Todd Dow added, “Kakivik’s ability to work safely is an important differentiator. Our strong safety culture enables us to do critical work for top tier clients and attract and retain high quality employees, all because our stakeholders know that we care and do all we can to protect our most important asset – the people we employ and work with on a daily basis.”


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